Monday, August 3, 2015

Lessons in Rugby and Humility

Hey guys!! Its Monday at about 8:30 we finally got to get on the computer to email you guys. It has been so fun. I got switched companions because one elder didn't come so i am now with Elder Heward. He's from Timpanoges, he's a huge Football/Baseball/Basketball Jock but we are actually finding a lot in common. He gets up every day at 5:30 to do an extra half hour of workouts but he's funny, and yes dad i am doing 30/60 every morning. He's really fun and i like him. We get along really well and its been fun to learn from him. We are really getting along great. We got into districts and our group is a ton of fun. we just laugh and joke around all day. 

Yesterday was fast sunday and it was really hard. I now know how dad feels on sundays. meetings from 6am to 9pm and our only break was Dinner at 5, so guys be nice to him on sunday nights. We watched The District 2 last week and it was actually really cool. you guys should watch it. its probably online somewhere, if the computer is still working. 

We had fish one day for lunch and i actually tried 2 bites of it and then i had to give it to someone else. in our room its me, Elder Heward, a kid from Samoa and a kid from Germany. They are really fun and its good to get to know them. every day after lunch they let us outside for a while to exercise and do sports. we got a Rugby ball and the Samoan Elders are teaching all us "White Kids" to play. they mostly just laugh at us the whole time. its a lot of fun here, i'm super tired, and miss moms cooking a lot, and sandwiches. but overall i'm liking it. i'm really ready to leave and go out into the field though. i learned on the first day that the principle i need to learn here is Humility. i opened one of the books i got and the 2 marked pages were both about being humble so i figured that's what i needed to learn.

the weather is good here! not super cold. it rains for a few minutes every day but never too bad. we haven't seen a lot of the country so idk what it really looks like but so far it feels kinda like home.
love you guys and i will email you next week.

Elder Seelos

My MTC arrival Group

My District (Nephi District) with my companion Elder Heward

1 comment:

  1. Awww so fun to hear about his first week! Love that boy.
