So this week has been a great one! A lot of this week was leading up to Conference! We got to watch Conference over the weekend and It was AWESOME!! I loved every talk and it was so cool to hear the leaders of the church instructing us on EXACTLY what we need to do.
So this week was a weird week. We started off with Flue Shots on Tuesday. So that was pretty fun! And I didn't even CRY! (Haley I also didn't pass out, Just FYI) Right after that we got to have Trade Off's with the Assistants. So that was really fun! I got to stay in Favona with Elder Faamoe. He is a Samoan from Missouri. He's a great guy! He loves missionary work and is VERY good at it. It was really cool to learn from him! We had a cool thing happen to us! We had appointments ALL DAY! Literally the only free hour we had was between 1 and 2, and that was filled up by Flu Shots. So one of our appointments at 3:45 fell through and so we had like 10 minutes before our next appointment at 4. So we decided just to try 2 doors on the street. So Elder Faamoe asked where I felt we should go, I thought a house across the street. When we knocked on the door a guy came but wasn't interested. So the Elder Faamoe decided a house across the street. So we tried it and a little boy came to the door, well he went and got his mom and he said "Mom, its the Elders." So we were surprised by that. Well it ended up that they were members and they had just moved up from Wellington and didn't know what church they were suppose to go to. So they had been looking for us! So long story, but what I learned from it was the fact that its more about our feelings then it is about what we are thinking. We need to follow our heart, more than our mind.
Now another Trade off miracle! We had trade off with the Niuean Elders on Thursday. So I got to go to the Niuean area (which is the Entire mission) with Elder Ahoneima (Tongan). So we were getting a T-shirt printed for one of the Sisters in the Zone for her Birthday. As we walked out of there someone looked at us and pointed at me and said "Hey its you!" Well as I looked over at her I realized that it was a girl from Waterview (Her name is Vai) that was baptized in the Sisters ward, but I did her Baptismal Interview and was able to attend a few lessons with her. Well we started to talk and she had just moved down South a bit ago and she hadn't been going to church since she had moved. When we asked her why she said that it was because she didn't know where to go. So I told her just to come to my ward! It was really cool, but after we left and the rest of that day I just kept getting a weird feeling about it all. I have no idea what it meant, but I decided to leave it all with the Lord and promised that if he would let me run into her again I would do whatever I had to do. So please keep her in your prayers that she will make it to church on Sunday.
Now my spiritual thought comes out of Conference. It isn't specifically about a talk, but about something that I was able to learn through the whole thing. That was the idea of the Spirit. The Spirit can always tell us things, but at times we are not ready, listening, or open. When we are given the chance to be in a place where we are ready and listening to the spirit, i.e. Conference. That is when the Spirit can really tell us everything we need to know. Its amazing the impressions that we can get when we are really listening. So when you are in a place to feel the spirit don't just listen with your physical ears, but also listen with your Spiritual ears!
Love you!
Love Elder Seelos
Happy birthday Sister Kulu! |
A sister in our ward bought us new bedding! Yes, my room is a mess! |
Selfie |
Machette' Gardening |
We are scary. |
Hanging out waiting for lunch.... |
Family home evening with the Mafi's |
Sister Mafi is so awesome! |
Tim tam pie! It's delicious! |
Yummmmmmmm..... |
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