We got to have Trade off with the Assistants on Tuesday! That was fun. I went with Elder Hixon to the Shore and we spent most of the day doing office stuff. It is kind of fun to see how much goes on behind the scenes that no one sees. Its also fun to see how normal President Balli is. Like he is just a normal guy. Its weird to think that I was ever nervous of him or that he was scary to me. Being a Zone Leader we get to see President heaps more than the other missionaries would. So we actually gain a relationship with him. Its also funny to see how new missionaries are scared of the Assistants, like Elder Bass. We have a new missionary in our zone that when he saw the assistants he was nervous and asking why they were here. Its just funny cuz I know them so well and I was companions with Elder Bass. Like I know how they are. They aren't perfect. Just funny.
Thursday was an interesting day... We had trade offs with the Samoan Elders, Elder Ualesi and Elder Zacher. I was with Elder Ualesi in the Samoan ward. So our car had to be serviced that day.... At 8am. So because Elder Zacher is new we figured that Elder Ualesi and I would take it so that he could have his studies. Well we took it in and they told us that it would take a few hours.... So we walked. We dropped it off at about 8:15 and they finally called us at about 3. So we walked for a while... And yes. Thursday was probably the hottest day of the summer so far. Just our luck! It was fun though! We were blessed with a mean dinner that night! We pigged out!
Now for our HUGE miracle! Shelby came to church! This is her 3rd time at church overall and her first time in our ward! So we sat down during Gospel Principles and it ended up just being us and her in the class. Brother Apiata (our ward mission leader) usually takes the lessons, but he wasn't at church so we took the lesson and we talked about the Sacrament with her and then lead it into Baptism. She had told us that she would want to be baptized and we had just left it at that for a bit. But as we started talking about Baptism her son, Trey (3 years old), said that he had to go to the bathroom. Well she left and Elder Oakes and I looked at each other and we decided we were going to set her right then. She came back in and we asked her straight up, "Will you prepare yourself to be Baptized on the 24th of December?" Well of course she said yes! If she didn't I wouldn't be telling you this story! She said that she wants to and that its important but she is a bit nervous. Just of the unknown and of committing. So please keep her in your prayers!
This week overall was really awesome! I feel like Ammon in Alma 26:1 "And now, these are the words of Ammon to his brethren, which say thus: My brothers and my brethren, behold I say unto you, how great reason have we to rejoice; for could we have supposed when we started from the land of Zarahemla that God would have granted unto us such great blessings?" There have been so many great blessing's in my mission. I am so grateful to the Lord for everything that he has given to me! I am honestly so grateful for this opportunity to be here to serve the Lord on a mission!
Love yous! Love Elder Seelos!
Hey we found a selfie stick! Lots of pictures from our hike last week.
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