Well to start off I wanted to thank you all for the Great Birthday Wishes! I am sorry if I was not able to send you a personal Thank you because of the fact that I had 42 Emails today... By Far my weekly Record! Thank you and I love you all too!!
So the biggest Highlight of the week was the Baptism that we had on Saturday! It was so great to see Malua get Baptized! It has felt like a LONG time and now he is done... It's kind of sad. It was so amazing to get to see him be baptized. He was so ready and prepared! Its amazing how he has been set up by the Lord for us to help... It shows me how it isnt really us. Its the Lord and his work. Its so great to see that!
One funny Insert about the baptism. So I was asked to give the talk on baptism, well after correcting my name on the draft program From Sea-lo to Seelos. The program came out as Sheelo. So yeah.... Islanders find it SOOOOOO hard to say my name! Haha
We had the chance to go to MLC this week. I love MLC, It is so great to spend the time in the mission home! MLC is always so great and we always have so much we can learn! I have really developed that loved for President Balli. He is such an amazing guy and I don't know if I could deal with all he has to!
So Elder Bass set up with one of our ward members to have a surprise birthday party at their house this morning when we were suppose to be having a zone devotional. Well all the missionaries surprised me at Lynn's house ( Lynn is the lady that I am with in the pic. She is a convert of about a year, and elder bass and I visit usually twice a week!) with food and a BIG Breakfast! It was so awesome to be with all the missionaries and I really felt so loved! It was so amazing!!!
Sorry for the Short Email! But have a good amount I have to do today!
Love Elder Seelos!
Baptism Day |
Malua, Elder Bass, & I |
Cool picture of a cool missionary |
It's really not that hard SEE-LOS! |
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Seelos! |
My birthday package from home |
BYU Rugby! |
New ties from home! |
Birthday party for me! |
My birthday cake |
Panoramic photos are fun...:) |
A great birthday! |
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